Chairman of the Police Watch Dare Bet Rp 100 Million Ahok So Suspect Before Pilgub
Police observers and the chairman of the presidium of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW), Neta S Pane stated Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok a matter of time to be announced as a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the scandal Hospital Sumber Waras.
Neta S Pane announcement was delivered publicly on Facebook.
"Ia, I bet, cases Sumber Waras will not dideponering, we have seen in some time to come, Ahok will be used as a suspect by the KPK. The signal is clear, visible by IPW hehehe," he said through his personal account in Facebook, quoted by Warta Kota , Tuesday (03/15/2016).
"If Ahok, now, I bet USD 100 million, cash, money we Tarok somewhere, before Pilgub, Ahok would suspect. If not, I lose, then take the money, though fair," he said.
So far, no one has to wait on an open challenge presented by Neta.
As is known, the source Sane Cases currently being handled by the KPK. Based on the results of investigations conducted BPK audit found state losses in the case of Sumber Waras reached Rp 191 billion.

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